Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Who decide how much Product Backlog Item taken into the Sprint?

The decision of how much Product Backlog Items (PBIs) are taken into a Sprint is a collaborative effort made by the Development Team during the Sprint Planning meeting. Sprint Planning is one of the key events in the Scrum framework and occurs at the beginning of each Sprint. During this meeting, the Development Team and the Product Owner collaborate to determine which Product Backlog Items will be included in the upcoming Sprint.

Sprint Planning is a collaborative effort involving the Development Team and the Product Owner. The goal of this meeting is to select and commit to a set of PBIs that the Development Team believes they can realistically complete within the upcoming Sprint. Here's a closer look at how this decision-making process unfolds:

  • Collaborative Effort: The Sprint Planning meeting is an opportunity for the Development Team and the Product Owner to come together and discuss the upcoming Sprint. It's a collaborative effort where both parties share their perspectives, insights, and expectations.
  • Understanding Capacity: The Development Team evaluates its capacity based on factors such as team size, skills, availability, and historical performance. This assessment helps the team determine how much work they can realistically take on during the Sprint.
  • Product Backlog Review: The Product Owner presents the prioritized Product Backlog to the Development Team. The team reviews the items in the backlog, considering their complexity, dependencies, and estimated effort required for implementation.
  • Negotiation and Commitment: During the meeting, there may be negotiations between the Development Team and the Product Owner regarding which PBIs should be included in the Sprint. The team may express concerns about workload, dependencies, or feasibility, leading to adjustments in the Sprint Backlog.
  • Capacity-Based Selection: Based on their capacity and understanding of the PBIs, the Development Team selects a set of items to include in the Sprint Backlog. This selection is made with the intention of delivering a valuable increment by the end of the Sprint.
  • Commitment to Delivery: Once the PBIs are selected and added to the Sprint Backlog, the Development Team commits to completing them within the Sprint timeframe. This commitment is a key aspect of the Scrum framework, promoting transparency, accountability, and focus on delivery.
  • Scrum Master's Role: While the Scrum Master facilitates the Sprint Planning meeting and ensures that it runs smoothly, they do not dictate or decide which PBIs are included in the Sprint. Instead, their role is to support the collaboration between the Development Team and the Product Owner, remove any impediments, and ensure adherence to Scrum principles and practices.

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