Thursday, November 30, 2023

What is included in the Sprint Backlog?

 The Sprint Backlog includes the following elements:

  1. Sprint Goal: The overarching objective or purpose for the Sprint, providing a unifying theme for the work undertaken during the Sprint.

  2. User Stories or Product Backlog Items: The individual items from the Product Backlog that the Development Team has selected to work on during the Sprint. These are often broken down into smaller, more manageable tasks.

  3. Tasks: The specific tasks or sub-tasks required to complete the selected Product Backlog items. Tasks are created by the Development Team during Sprint Planning to represent the detailed work needed to deliver the increments.

  4. Estimates: Time or effort estimates associated with each task. These estimates help the team understand the effort required for each task and facilitate tracking progress during the Sprint.

  5. Definition of Done (DoD): The criteria that must be met for a Product Backlog item to be considered "done" and potentially releasable. The Definition of Done ensures that the work completed during the Sprint meets the team's quality standards.

  6. Capacity Planning: An understanding of the team's capacity for the Sprint, considering factors like team size, individual team members' availability, and any known interruptions or time off.

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